It's me. Not Mario

Artem Koksharov / Junior FE developer

General information about me:

My name is Artem and, at the moment. I live in Nizhny Tagil in Sverdlovsk Oblast. I work at a Gas station. It’s a little bit boring job with low salary. So I set a goal to myself to change my location and job. At the beginning, I chose Python for self-education. But about a month ago I decided to change it to Frontend. I think that learning JS, creating websites with HTML and user interfaces using React libs is interesting. Becides, I want to practice my English. I know that it will be hard, but I like it.


I have secondary vocational education of NTGMK. I am metallurgist.

My skills:

  • Basic Python 3
  • CSS 3
  • HTML 5
  • Basic Figma



Russian is native. Level of English is A2.


Code sample:

var text = "Самопечатающийся текст Hello, World!";
var delay = 100;
var elem = document.getElementById("result");
var print_text = function(text, elem, delay) {
  if(text.length > 0) {
    elem.innerHTML += text[0];
      function() {
        print_text(text.slice(1), elem, delay); 
      }, delay
print_text(text, elem, delay);

My contacts: